white and brown concrete spiral stairs

Pioneering Sustainable Living for a
Greener Future

building covered in plants
building covered in plants

Preserving our planet for future generations

At Leone Development Group, our mission is to create sustainable, resilient living spaces that empower individuals and communities to thrive while preserving our planet for future generations. As a nonprofit organization, we are dedicated to implementing innovative solutions that tackle pressing environmental challenges, particularly in the realm of plastic waste management and sustainable housing.

Our Approach

We are dedicated to implementing sustainable construction solutions worldwide. Our mission is to create a positive global impact by promoting eco-friendly building practices that prioritize the well-being of our planet and its communities

We believe in a future where construction is synonymous with environmental responsibility, energy efficiency, and social inclusivity.

Our Goals

1. Building for a Greener Tomorrow
2. Implement Responsible Materials Choices
3. Integrate water-efficient technologies
4. Promote the reuse of materials and recycling
5. Optimize a sustainable life-cycle
6. Prioritize social aspects, including the provision of affordable housing and the creation of community spaces that foster positive local development.

About Leone Development Group

Leone Development Group is a nonprofit organization committed to creating sustainable communities worldwide. We believe in the power of renewable energy, clean water, and effective waste management to transform lives and protect the environment. Through our projects, we aim to improve the quality of life for people in need and promote a greener future.

Building Sustainable Communities for a Better Future

brown wooden ladder on blue plastic container
brown wooden ladder on blue plastic container

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